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vwoa volkswagen recruitment brochure
vwoa volkswagen recruitment brochure
vwoa volkswagen promotion postcard direct mail The Volkswagen of America work was done when I was an art director at Doyle Dane Bernbach. All photography was by David Langley. Steve August wrote the recruitment literature and Peter Lubalin wrote the postcard with Ray Myers as copy chief.

VW ads all used the Futura typeface family, usually Fut Bold for heads and Fut Light for text, as determined by the creator of the look, creative director and agency VP Helmut Krone. I used Beton for the recruitment brochure, which looked like Futura with serifs added, just as Lubalin Graph (designed by Herb Lubalin and Tony DiSpigna) is really their Avant Garde with serifs added. But I should have used Futura. Live and learn.