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channel home centers private label packaging
channel home centers private label packaging little work shelf packaging logo
Paint & Wash shown above, and Colors shown left were two versions of house–brand paint for Channel Home Centers, then a retail giant. Both sold well. Illustrator Simms Taback did the house drawing wraparound. (One of our cats came to us already named Colors, a name we could not improve on.)

Colors (the packaging design concept, not the cat) was innovative. Instead of the typical small circle of color on the top of a can, our entire label was the swatch so a buyer could better judge the final result. Typographically, the unusual combination of the elegant Goudy Old Style and gutsy Windsor worked.

Finally a logo as part of a packaging program. Bookman swashes were refined by letterer Joe Sundwall. Note how the curved ending of the cap L serves as the dot on the i.